Qusq Pro v1.6 (06.02.2019)
- WordPress 5.0.3 Compatibility
- Gutenberg Editor Support
- WooCommerce - Latest version compatibility
- WooCommerce - updating templates
- WooCommerce - Related products section layout fix if no description or reviews
- Fix main menu not to open sub-menus of siblings of the current parent nodes
- MS Edge & IE browsers CSS fix
- Blog page without advanced titles fix
- Better updates checker
Qusq Pro v1.5 (24.04.2018)
- Google Maps iframe shadow fix.
- Compatibility with latest JetPack version.
- About Page Template back-end select dropdown fix.
- PHP 5.3 Compatibility.
- Compatibility with latest WordPress & JetPack widgets.
Qusq Pro v1.4 (26.02.2018)
- New option to change Portfolio URL Slug.
- Removing internal JetPack custom meta keys from Portfolio detail.
- Fixing Social Icons Men - Incorrect styles in rare configuration scenarios.
Qusq Pro v1.3 (07.02.2018)
- WooCommerce Compatibility
- Prevent Fatal Error when displaying portfolio categories in edge cases
- Template homepage-portfolio comment fix.
Qusq Pro v1.2 (09.11.2017)
- qTranslate-X - Multilingual Plugin compatibility
Qusq Pro v1.1 (07.11.2017)
- Fixing Color Selector problem, not allowing you to pick a color.
Qusq Pro v1.0 (05.09.2017)