Inverto v2.1 (06.07.2023)
- WordPress 6.2.2+ Compatibility
- WooCommerce 7.8+ compatibility
- WPBakery Page builder 6.13.0+ compatibility
- PHP 8.1+ compatibility fixes
- Fixing cURL error 28 - connection timeout.
- Fixing jQuery errors
- Fixing opt-in to remember commenting user details
- Fixing server Error 500 when editing element with custom icons e.g. ish_headline
- Fixing PHP 8 Error - fontello config.json
- Changing functions and variable prefixes from ishyoboy_ to ishinvertotheme_
Inverto v2.0 (22.10.2020)
- WPBakery Page builder 6.4.1
- Security hardening update
Inverto v1.9 (18.08.2020)
- WordPress 5.5+ Compatibility
- WooCommerce 4.3+ compatibility
- Latest Revolution Slider v6.2.21
- Latest Layer Slider 6.9.2
- Latest SmoothScroll Library
- WooCommerce - Replacing deprecated hook
Inverto v1.8 (19.05.2020)
- WordPress 5.4+ compatibility
- WooCommerce 4.0+ compatibility
- WPBakery Page builder 6.2+ compatibility
- PHP 7.4+ compatibility fixes
- Child Theme - Parent style.css load moved from style.css to functions.php
- WooCommerce - Fixing WP_Filesystem issue
- WooCommerce - Replacing deprecated “wc_print_notices” function
- WPBakery - Load BE related scripts only when PageBuilder enqueued
- Performance updates
Inverto v1.7 (07.02.2019)
- WordPress 5.0.3 - Compatibility
- Gutenberg Editor Support
- Better updates checker - now with automatic updates
- WPBakery Page builder 5.6 - Compatibility
- WooCommerce - Latest version compatibility
- WooCommerce - Updating Product Archive Template to 3.4.0
- WooCommerce - Fixing product images thumbnails size
- Fixing - Sidenav Close Buttton not working when sticky nav is off
- Fixing custom excerpt to support 2 and more columns
Inverto v1.6 (19.01.2018)
- Warning: This version changes the way how Page Builder works within the theme. From now on it is a separate plugin. You will get a notification to install it after the theme is updated. All will then work as before.
- Update: Visual Composer 5.4.5 - Compatibility
- Fix: PHP 7 Navigation Menus import
Inverto v1.5 (17.10.2017)
- Update: WordPress 4.9 Beta 1 - Compatibility
- Update: Visual Composer 5.4 - Compatibility
- Fix: ScrollTo functionality in latest Chrome browser
Inverto v1.4
- WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility
- PHP 7.1 Compatibility Improvements
- HTTPS Compatibility Improvements
- Google Fonts Updated
- Plugins Compatibility fixes
- Minor styling fixes
Inverto v1.3
- New: WordPress 4.7 Compatibility
- New: Visual Composer 5.0.1
- New: Google Maps API Fix
- New: Sidebar Generator Security update
- New: Speed improvements
- New: Various minor fixes
Inverto v1.2
- WOrdPress 4.5 Compatibility
Inverto v1.1
- Fix: Minor styling fixes
- New: Speed improvements
- New: WordPress 4.4.2 compatibility
- New: Visual Composer v4.10
- New: PHP7 compatibility
Inverto v1.0